Thursday, July 24, 2008

That's Hardy?

Yes, the lap siding is Hardiboard that we stained with a cedar colored fiber cement stain before Enrique's crew hung them. It's Mason's Select Woodperfect Fiber Cement Coating, ordered online from The shiny silver stuff is corrugated galvanized metal siding, for a little contrast. The only spots left undone are at the very top where the soffit is going. Just for fun, I also posted a picture of the house before the siding went up. Progress.

Hangin' Rock

Enrique Hagen (Need-a-Hand, 352-514-8870) brought in a drywall crew that worked like artisans on stilts and strong coffee, knocking out the drywall and applying a knockdown finish in no time flat. After spending month after month working in the house that was a skeleton of framing and open walls, it's strange that the house has forever changed. But it's all good, and everyone is excited to see the house look more and more house-like everyday. We are heading down the home stretch, and our big dog, Satchel, is digging his new mondo doghouse.

Off to the Mill

It's July, and finally, our reclaimed heartpine is being put to use, as we take a noticeable notch out of the lumber yard inventory. A portable woodmizer is back on the property, this time it's Lumber by Lance in Ft. White (386-497-4817). That's me and Jim Lance in the photo, milling the big beams from Jack's 1910 house on Newnan's Lake. We killed many a sawblade hitting nails I had tried to remove. Part of the joy of working with old wood. Jim milled my reclaimed heartpine into boards a little more than 1" thick, and hauled them to his kiln where they're drying now (and killing the termites). Then they go to Herschel's Woodworks (386-497-1895) to be turned into 3/4" tongue and groove flooring. I can't wait to post you some pictures of the flooring!