Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Going Underground

Gainesville Regional Utilities trenched and buried power lines to our new house, and also laid our water pipe and electric cable in the trench from the house back to the water well at no extra charge. Less view obstruction and risk of power outage from tree fall during storms.

Spray Paint

Enrique was nice enough to let us borrow his Graco paint spraying equipment. After 3 days of covering up windows, doors, openings, and wood beams, David went to town spraying 2 coats of white latex everywhere, including on himself.

Big Foam

July. Big Foam Insulators installed a water-based, open cell spray foam insulation under our roof sheathing, 5 1/2" thick for an R-24 insulation value. Would have loved to foam the walls, but due to price went with the R-19 pink fiberglass batts in the 2x6 walls. The energy savings are greater in the roof than the walls, so that's where we put our money.

For sound insulation in internal walls and under the floors of the upstairs bedrooms, we bought and installed used fiberglass batt insulation that Bearded Brothers salvaged from a commercial building remodel.